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Max-3 plus (420-2700)

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The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.

The Max-3 plus has a three pass design with dimpled tubes on the third pass fitted with additional retarders. This commercial Boiler which runs on gas, oil or dual fuel has a high fire efficiency to 95.2% net and gives low Nox emissions. As such it makes excellent economic and environmental sense. 

Max-3 plus boilers are available as heating only applications for medium to large commercial buildings. They are suitable for both new build and replacement projects. Maximum operating temperature is 105°and maximum working pressures is 6 bar.